My soul cries out to You
My God, My King, My Father
surrounded by your grand creation
humbled by its beauty
my eyes are fixed upon the sky
my ears upon the rushing stream
as the gentle breeze stretches
from snowy peak, to sunkist sky
all creation calls out to its Creator
in perfect harmony

my soul senses Your presence
yet my spirit is still wanting more
seeking more of You
more of Your righteousness
more of your love, of your justice,
not poured out on me, but
poured out through me

oh, for the purity of the wilderness
for the Holy mystery,
the transparency of nature
to be the comforting breeze, or
the warmth of the sun's touch
I long for the stillness
for the tranquility,
for the disciplines of the wilderness
to transcend my soul

let this moment not pass
from me like a distant memory
rather change me, transform me,
mold me into Your creative work
that Your hand designed me to be
Fore You love me no less
than I love your creation
Fore you love me more
infinite abundant love

How can I be your prize
in the splendor of the wildness?
Yet, Your hand is upon me,
Your arms wrapped around me
as seasons pass away,
You draw me closer to yourself
This splendor changes, so do I
but let this be an equinox
a new time for Your creative hand
Lord, let Your Kingdom reign

[rediscovered this today. written in the wilderness in Summer of 2008. a necessary reminder to drink deeply of His love.]

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