
Arrrgh, Halt Matey!

Okay, maybe I didn’t say that. I did though say: “Pirate! Stop!”  And, I have never been happier to see a pirate...

Just finished the conversation with a Zen Buddhist: prayed for his migraine, it began to lift and he became convinced that we were supposed to give him a Bible.  We were heading back to the center, 10 minutes later than expected. Walking up the West End, a worker grabbed us. “Wait! Help! Some guy was sleeping at our table, two hooded Spanish guys grabbed him, dragged him down into the side street… can you go check on him?? Please!” How can you say no? 

Around the corner, we found our new friend, let’s call him Jack.  Quite wobbly, Jack was standing holding onto a rail, attempting not to roll down the street. Unfortunately had already been mugged, but seemed to still be in good spirits and was feeling up for a chat. To give you a glimpse of the hour long conversation that commenced: “Hi Jack, where are your friends? What hotel are you staying in? Can we help you get back home?” “I’ll be honest with ya, I don’t know. Hole in the wall. Good stuff. Aye. It’s your call” 

As you can probably guess, he wasn’t relaying any useful information. So, we sat with Jack. Helping him drink water, trying to jog his memory with questions, occasionally asking why he was dressed like a pirate- the latter was merely a curiosity as costumes are common with holidaymakers, particularly with stag do groups. So, we continued to sit with Captain Jack…

With no progress and little ability to extract the name of the hotel from his memory, we began to pray. Laying our hands on Jack wasn’t at all a problem since my teammate literally was holding him up in his arms, and I had my arm behind his head to prevent him from continually bashing it against the metal grates. Not even five minutes after we turned to prayer, I saw them stumble past us. One guy running down the street, drunkenly crashing into things, and the other more sober, but still pretty inebriated, chasing after him. 

via wikicommons.
Pirates! Yes! Pirates! “Hey pirate! Stop! Do you know this guy?” "Yes, actually I do." Thank God! We found his friends, and I have never been happier to see a pair of pirates in my entire life.  And so, we helped guide the pirates back to their hotel, thanking God for their costumes and answered prayer. 

Saying a prayer that you would see some pirates stumble along a back alleyway seems a little strange, but God responds. Another great end to a night in the streets of San Antonio.  And, a reminder that perhaps we should take Paul's advice to the Philippians to heart:

" Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done." Phil 4:6 (NLT)

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Vision of You/ Death of me.

I may have posted this song before, but it resonates too much with what I am learning right now to not share it again.

No matter what ministry or community we are a part of or what we do with our lives , unless the Lord is at the center of our work, it is meaningless. Our prayers and songs are just words, our charitable acts are no different than any other organizations, our religious services are just another meeting... as the teacher in Ecclesiastes declares:  “Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.”

"Unless the LORD builds the house,
   the builders labor in vain.
Unless the LORD watches over the city,
   the guards stand watch in vain." - Psalm 127:1

If I am not at a place where the hope of the Cross is central to everything in my life, then my life is just passing moments. I know that Jesus dwells amongst us, but am I continuing to invite Him to be the all-encompassing center of my life?  Am I willing to truly pray that lyric: May the vision of You be the death of me? Am I willing to become less so that Jesus can be greater in my life? 

Lord, I know you are with me, but please come. Please be present in every aspect of my life, and may the vision of you be the death of me. May the challenge of St. Francis Xavier be the prayer over my life "Give up your small ambitions and come with me to preach Christ/save the world." (not sure which quote is accurate, but the premise is the same). Lord please put to death my small ambitions, my tiny plans and dreams, my idiosyncrasies and insecurities... wash away anything that isn't of You or centered in You. And please come with me, send me, guide me, allow me to be a part of what you are doing by doing your work and sharing your words in this world. I want to be a part of what you are building, so "Here I am. Send me". Or keep me wherever. Just please be with me, and be the center of all that I am and all that I do.

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Life of the Party (part 2)

A crowded room full of people, hands raised in the air, crying out for peace to fall down on the land, longing to experience something more than the mediocrity of daily life, strangers banded together by their passionate worship, they can’t help but dance, can’t help but sing, overflowing with joy they shout forth yelps of praise and clap their hands in agreement, praying that every moment could be as sweet as this…. 

Welcome to last Wednesday night in Eden. No, not the biblical garden or a metaphor for heaven: Eden is a nightclub in San Antonio, Ibiza. And, yes the lyrics accompanying the heavy beats literally cried out for peace (if I knew the song, I'd link to it). To quote one of the members on our short-term team, “there was a moment that night, where I was standing there dancing and I realized that there was no other place I wanted to be. It was one of the best moments of my life”.

Many dream of a day when the Church meets this description, but it is a much more common picture in nightclubs than religious services. Before I write any further, I know that for some this seems heretical. Think about it though: if you were to become more undignified in worship and let loose like King David did… would you be more likely to do so at the altar of your local church or on the crowded floor of a busy nightclub?

Last year at Pacha, when Bob Sinclar busted out “World Hold On”, I remember throwing my hands up and begging the Lord to bring it, crying out for the heavens to open and for the love of God to flood the place. 
" Look inside, youll find a deeper love
The kind that only comes from high above

If you ever meet your inner child, don t cry

Tell them everything is gonna be alright

World, hold on

Instead of messing with our future, open up inside" - from "World Hold On"
A few of the best worship experiences of my life have been on a crowded dance floor, hands in the air, praying in the Spirit, unashamedly dancing, amongst a crowd of mostly non-Christians who were celebrating the music instead of the God who created it.

What would happen if we made the places where people meet altars? What would happen if we worshiped God and prayed in public venues? I’m not suggesting being a public spectacle like the Pharisees, but going along with daily life by practicing the presence of God in every task like Brother Andrew. Didn’t the early church meet daily in the temple courtyards – culture epicenters where people gathered? What if we to places where people are seeking passionate communities and life altering moments, and prayed that God would meet them in their euphoria? What if we brought light into the darkness, by declaring God’s redemption in the beauty of the communal party?

Didn’t the Lord create music? Didn’t He fashion dance? Why should the best of these arts be reserved for those who have yet to meet Him? Shouldn’t we celebrate these creative expressions? When we dance to the beats, dressed modestly, completely sober, and have a great time…  are we not coming in an opposite spirit to the culture of drug induced hazes in nightlife?

I just finished reading a book called Night Vision. It’s a collection of stories from those who dared to worship Jesus, pray for His love to be known, and serve people in the midst of the party culture.  One of the contributors launches into a discourse pondering the question of why parties seem like such dark places. Why do some Christians discourage believers from going into clubs? Why do bars and dance floors seem like such dark places? The writer shares this reflection from John Stott (13):

"Our Christian habit is to bewail the world's deteriorating standards with an air of rather self-righteous dismay... "The world is going down the drain." we say with a shrug. But whose fault is it? Who is to blame? Let me put it like this. If the house is dark when night falls, there is no sense in blaming the house; that is what happens when the sun goes down. The question to ask is, "Where is the light?". Similarly, if the meat goes bad and becomes inedible, there is no sense in blaming the meat... the question to ask is, "Where is the salt?" Just so, if society deteriorates and its standards decline... there is no sense in blaming society; that is what happens when fallen men and women are left to themselves... the question to ask is "where is the church? Why are the salt and light of Jesus Christ not permeating and changing our society?" - John Stott, Issues Facing Christians Today, page 85.
How do we expect there to be restoration of Light if we refuse to be present in the darkness? How can something become salty if we never keep salt far away from it? If I can worship God through a few cheesy rock songs on a Sunday morning, why can’t we worship Him through prayer and dance on a Saturday night? Did King David dance passionately secluded in his room? No, he ran into the crowds- and, didn't his worship glorify the Lord and turn heads toward heaven?   

Night Vision quotes a study that concludes 73% of all 18-24 year olds regularly attend late night bars/clubs (11). If I am committed to loving, serving, and reaching my generation, how can I not be willing to bring Life into the party? How can I not share the love of Christ with those who are celebrating the creativity, community, and culture that He created? And if most clubbers are interested in discussing spirituality and the deeper questions of life (22), shouldn’t the people who celebrate their personal relationship with the Answer be there willing to offer companionship for the journey?

I’m more convinced than ever that my generation needs to be more intentional about being a conduit of Light, Salt, and Life in the places where people gather- and what better place to do it than one that will be even more undignified in celebration when the Good News permeates their lives?

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Life of the Party (part 1)

Growing up, I spent a lot time hanging out around a bar or standing behind a dj booth.  My grandmother was a bartender, my grandparents helped manage a local sportsman's pub, my uncle had his own dj company, and my family has always been known for their ability to throw a great party.  Personally, I loved it as a kid. Everyone always seemed friendly, people were often willing to buy me a pop and some chips, quality music was an essential component of daily life, and I was related to some of the most popular people at any given venue. 
As much as I enjoyed growing up in the loving community of a local sportsman’s pub and in a family that loved a good time, I have mixed feelings about nightlife. Though mostly unrelated to the previous paragraph, I have also watched drugs, alcohol, and partying in excess destroy people. 

In the year and a half since I have legally been able to drink, I have attempted to be “above reproach” and avoid being seen in the places where it may appear like I am drinking.   (And, no I don’t think a drink or two is problematic for most Christians, but I am going to save that topic for another post.) While I am not equating partying with drinking, I must recognize that it is really difficult to be where the people are if you are afraid of people thinking you may be there to get drunk. Sadly, it’s difficult to find a party without drunkenesss, drugs, and dodgy behavior – unless the party was thrown by Christians with the intention of having a teetotaling affair.
Party- "a social gathering of invited guests, typically involving eating, drinking, and entertainment"- Oxford dictionary
Well here I am, serving God for two months in the party capitol of Europe; and, Ibiza has reminded me that I love, love, love to party. I love a good time. I love heavy beats and dancing the night away.  Mostly, I love that connection that happens as you sit across the bar and have a chat with someone. Or when you have a quality, completely platonic dance with a stranger in a giant vat of foam on the dance floor.  (Okay, so the latter may have been a first, but it did happen last week). And, shh here’s a secret, on occasion,  I even love the taste of a carefully crafted lager or a well-mixed mojito.

I forgot how much the party is ingrained in who I am, and being that Jesus turned water into wine to keep a wedding going, I’m pretty sure he liked the social life too.  After all, much of the Bible involves eating and hanging out with others. And where are all the people after dark? Either at home, at work, or in their local pub or club.

 The question that I am faced with is this: which is the greater witness? To just say no to nightlife and to be above reproach? Or to live life in the open- championing a Gospel centered life where hanging out in the bar and a night in the clubs in a way that glorifies Jesus?

Furthermore, where would Jesus be? Would he grab a pint in the local pub? Would he rave it up with the crowds? I’m inclined to think that He would. 

Why? Well, because He loves that community of people that looked after me as a child: the regulars in the pub, the bartenders, the djs, the caterers… He also loves those who prove that alcoholism and drug addiction can do serious damage. He loves the addicts, the dealers, the violent, the sick, the broken, the promiscuous… Jesus loves people, and He spent time in their presence.

To follow His example, we need to do the same. I’m not saying that if you hate clubbing or if you have struggles with alcohol that you should suddenly become a party animal. But, I am pondering this: if I love the party atmosphere and I love the people and if I love celebrating the presence of God in those two things… why should I avoid being a light in the darkness?  Am I more afraid of what the Church may think of where I spend my time than I am committed to spending time amongst people who have yet to embrace the hope of the Gospel? (to be continued) 

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Too much church, not enough Jesus?

You can learn much from a person by the books they recommend, and I plan on learning a lot through the book collection of the team here in Ibiza. Thus far, I have not been disappointed.

I just finished The Forgotten Ways: Reactivating the Missional Church by Alan Hirsch. It's a fantastic read, and I highly recommend it for anyone who is passionate about advancing the Gospel and expanding the Church.

In summary, the book examines what makes up the DNA of missional church movements throughout the course of history, focusing particularly on the early Church and the contemporary underground church in China. Incorporating a wealth of scripture and a number of academic disciplines, Hirsch concludes that there are six components of "Apostolic Genius":

  1. Jesus is Lord
  2. Disciple Making
  3. Missional-Incarnational Impulse
  4. Apostolic Environment
  5. Organic Systems
  6. Communitas (not community)
The theological belief that Jesus is Lord is the crux of the Church, and the other five factors are essential supporting elements. Rather than explain them all, I'm just going to encourage you to read the book and quickly reflect on what challenged me most.

In the chapter on Organic Systems, Hirsch references this quote from Neibuhr:
"there are essential differences between an institution and a movement: the one is conservative, the other progressive; the one is more or less passive yielding to influences from the outside, the other is active in influencing rather than being influenced; the one looks to the past, the other to the future. In addition the one is anxious, the other is prepared to take risks; the one guards boundaries, the other crosses [boundaries]." (190)
There is a fine line between the Church being a religious institution and being an authentic movement- the Body of Christ in this world. Discerning the distinction raises many questions. For instance,  Am I working for the expansion of an institution that contains doctrines regarding the Holy Spirit or am I working toward the advancement of the Gospel by yielding to and seeking the movement of the Holy Spirit?

In his conclusion,  Hirsch explains how the Church is returning to Apostolic Genius by incorporating lessons learned from a wide range expressions of the Christian faith. His last paragraph recognizes that the Pentecostal church has yet to truly embrace the Emerging Missional Church because its structure and systems are still reaping the success of the church growth models and methods (271). He suggests that the Emerging Missional Church is missing is the spark of the Pentecostal movement's passion for the work of Holy Spirit. While this sentiment is only briefly explored at the conclusion of the book, I find it extremely interesting as I'm also praying that the charismatic church will find its place as a catalyst in the Emerging Missional Church.

Pentecostalism is the fastest growing religion in the world, especially in unchurched regions. This is the question though: is Pentecostalism concerned primarily with expanding Pentecostalism or primarily with advancing the Gospel?  I personally know a number of Pentecostal/Charismatic missionaries whose only goal is to follow Jesus and do His work. The concern doesn't lie in the examination of the heart of individuals, but rather in the heart of the Church as a whole. Are missionaries and ministries too tied to organizations and jumping through too many bureaucratic hoops to follow and serve Jesus freely?

Of course accountability and structure are key, but has organization moved us toward following the ways of our respective institutions instead of being a fluid movement that follows the Way of Christ?

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Safely Home- Weds. Night’s Parable.

Just a few minutes were left in our shift when I spotted him.  As we walked closer, the dim streetlight confirmed my suspicions. The young man was indeed laying flat on the sidewalk in a puddle of his own vomit and urine. “Mate, let’s get you off the ground.” As I hoisted him to his feet, I couldn’t help but chuckle at the combination of my very American accent instinctively uttering the word ‘mate’ and the fact that my hoodie was now moistened by someone else’s bodily fluids.

After a few too many drinks, my new friend and his mate needed a bit of assistance.  I looked after our damp friend- pouring water into his mouth, wiping the puke from his hands, and trying to keep him awake… while my teammate Chris handled the task of informing a concerned mother that her inebriated son would be receiving a complimentary ride home from a Christian charity.  Another phone call to our van driver, and we had arranged to give our friend a lift back to his hotel.

Twenty minutes later, one arm over my shoulder, one arm over Chris’, and a slightly more sober companion following behind, our friend was reunited with his family. His mother lunged forward, swinging open the glass door to thank us.  You could see the sense of relief wash over her face because her son was safely home. Refusing to take the money from her hand, we offered to help get her son to bed.  As the little brother guided me up the stairs, he revealed that he had been crying since they got the call. He was afraid his brother wouldn’t arrive safely home. 

I assured the little boy that everything would be okay and the teenager trotting behind me that the family was grateful for their son’s return. The more sober of our underage friends was terrified that the mother would be angry with him because they were out drinking. “I’m so sorry, they kept letting us into bars and we had a few too many”, he confessed.  To the sixteen-year-old’s surprise, his mate’s mother thanked him profusely and even offered to pay for his cab back to his family’s hotel.

Leaving one our new friends safe in his mother’s arms and the other at a taxi stand to return to his family, Chris and I headed back to the prayer room to send out our teammates for their hour shift in the streets.

“What are you thinking?” A short question with a long answer.  “I’m thinking that our friend is lucky to have a mother that cares for him. And, if his mother is that grateful to have her son home in her arms -even though he is a complete mess- how much more does our heavenly Father celebrate when his messy children return to Him?”
We have been given the spirit of adoption, and we can cry out “Abba”, knowing that our Father will respond. No matter how much of a mess we get ourselves into, He stands at the door, awaiting our return with outstretched arms. A cloak, sandals, a ring of authority, and a feast await the wayward son.  And every time a prodigal returns home from a rough time in the streets, the Father rejoices and welcomes Him back with a sigh of relief.  The Promise of the Father is that the Holy Spirit will guide His children home… the young will see visions, the old will dream dreams, and men and women will prophesy proclaiming the truth of their salvation… and this is the promise to all God’s children no matter how near or far off. The promise is that those who cry ‘Abba father’ and run to His arms will be sons and daughters of the Most High - co-heirs in a heavenly Kingdom, able to climb into the lap of a perfect King.  (Scriptural basis found in Romans 8, Matthew 15, Acts 2, Matthew 7, Hebrews 4 and others).

The picture of child covered in his own sick returning to the arms of a loving mother reminded me of the Father’s heart for His children… but it was the little brother that really challenged me. This twelve-year-old kid wept, concerned that his brother wouldn’t return home. He stayed at the door, waiting with his mother and was ready to help care for his sick sibling in any way he could. I personally understand that my Father loves me, but am I willing to take the role of the little brother in this modern day parable? Am I crying out for my siblings who have yet to call upon their Father and return to His arms? Am I willing to help in whatever way I can to help bring my fellow sons and daughters home, no matter how messy they may be?

Blown away by this image of the Father’s love, the implications of our adoption as His children and His desire to carry us home… we continued to pray. Chris extemporaneously strummed a prophetic song on the guitar, and I prayed through some scripture – asking our Father to lead His children home into the safety of His arms. Our hour in prayer went quickly, and soon it was time to switch shifts and return to the streets.

An hour in the prayer room, an hour in the streets, repeat until the night quiets down and people are safely home- the rhythm of a night out with 24-7 Ibiza.

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[Not a] Blue Sky Holiday

After a week in beautiful Ibiza, I have yet to see one of the island’s famous sunsets. It has been far too cloudy and rainy. Granted, my tan is nicely coming along, so the sun has been making a regular appearance. It just hasn’t been making a proper evening departure.

On my way home from the local coffee shop the other day, I stopped to snap a few pictures of the stormy sea on my iPhone. Here is my favorite:

Overcast and beautiful: kind of like life. Personally, I've been in a place where everything seems a little rough and uncertain. It’s difficult to see the luminous colors of the sun setting over this season of life because everything on the horizon seems cloudy right now and the sea is more choppy than tranquil…  even so, life is beautiful and I have the utmost confidence that sunny days and vibrant nights are ahead. =] 

Lovin' Ibiza and cannot wait to see what God has in store for the remainder of my time here.

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Hipster Christianity

Really a 68?!? After scoring embarrassingly high on the quiz and having my roommates unjustifiably mock me for my hipster tendencies, reading Hipster Christianity: When Church and Cool Collide seemed imperative. Admittedly, I set out with the goal of reading the book to prove that I am far from the label of hipster – whether Christian or not, and I still maintain that stance (regardless of what the bookish intellectual hipster description might seem to suggest).

Sadly though, based on Brett McCracken’s description of hipster Christianity, I might have to consider myself a cool kid within the Church. (I know, I know… me suggesting I’m cool automatically means that I am not, but refer to my previous comment and understand that I am working on McCracken’s definitions). According to McCracken, Christian hipsters like the emerging church, missional lifestyles, theology/philosophy, communion with real wine, multisensory worship, art, tattoos, piercings, Shane Claiborne, Sufijan Stevens, Mark Driscoll, Donald Miller, being abroad, living in DC, going to Ebenezer’s coffeehouse, using technology, and reminding people that Jesus was a rebel.  Regarding all those factors, I am guilty as charged.

Even so, I also wholeheartedly agree with McCracken that cool can be a dangerous thing.  In the Chapter 11 of the book, he lists seven negative consequences of hip:

  1. Individualism – the notion of cool is self-centered. (192)
  2. Alienation- cool creates “in” groups and is inherently divisive. (193)
  3. Competition- “people committed to being cool do not trust each other… and guard their inner sanctum of their hip cachet” (194)
  4.  Pride/Vanity- Coolness feeds the ego. (196)
  5. A Focus on the Now- “hip is temporary and transitory” (197)
  6.  Rebellion- so much of the essence of hip revolves around rebelling against the mainstream and giving life to the revolutionary.  (199)
  7. Reduction of Identity to Visual - Hipsters are often labeled by their unique outward appearance, neglecting to examine inward character. (200).
McCracken concludes by suggesting that we should exchange cool Christianity for lasting, selfless, confident, and God-centered Christianity (234-244).  His main premise is that the Church should stop being preoccupied with whether or not Christianity is cool because the temptation is to mend the Gospel and the community of believers to fit the notion of cool. Instead the Church should be concerned with being the Church – a community of believers guided by Christ, empowered by the Spirit, and doing the work of the Father. 
Yes, Christianity is subversive. But that should not be the end goal of our faith. We shouldn’t enlist young hipsters to join the cause because they think Jesus is a [rebel]. They should join the cause because they need God’s grace, not because they want to take down some system or join some romantic revolutionary movement. A faith built on rebellion is, at the end of the day, not going to be very sustainable… Especially considering that Christ came to right the rebellion of man. All else but the gospel is rebellion. The cause of Christ is the one obedient cause.” – (188-189).

Overall, despite being a bit disappointed that McCracken didn’t dive into more of the material from his website, I would recommend reading the book because the topic is one that seriously needs to be considered. What is the purpose of the Church? Is it to be cool alternative to the status quo or is it to be the Body of Christ in this world? 

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