"Under wandering stars I've grown... By myself but not alone"
"Anywhere I may roam ... Where I lay my head is home"

Take note that my titles are always song lyrics of some sort...I think that music speaks louder than words ever could. To tell where my mind is when writing, all someone has to do is look at the song reference. I guarantee you that it corresponds with my mood and what I am trying to express.

For example, this song is obviously about living a nomadic life... but it isn't a desperately depressing song. It's actually quite the opposite... It is all about the freedom of the open road, the idea of location not defining a person. It shows how someone can grow and thrive in any atmosphere. How they can redefine themselves and adapt in any situation. It's about attaching yourself to little and accumulating all the knowledge that you can from whatever life throws at you. This song is about dropping the material things that bind you to a location and letting fate guide you where ever you my roam.

There you go... so for all the inquiring minds that want to know how I am enjoying being at home.. or how I like being anywhere for that matter.. that is my theory on life. =]

" I'll take my time anywhere
I'm free to speak my mind
And I'll redefine anywhere
Anywhere I roam
Where I lay my head is home"

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