10 Things I have learned already from my summer - in no particular order....

1) I care way too much about what people think.. and the Bible says I shouldn't.
2) Do not assume that someone knows Christ because they say they are Christian or that those who know Christ are actually following Him.
4) Self discipline, spiritual discipline, and preparation are essential.
5) You need more than a prayer to navigate a city... maps are useful.. prayers plus maps are your best bet.
6) People who stereotype people based on their denominations are close minded and judgmental... myself included.
7) My appreciation of and desire to affiliate myself with certain organizations, ministries, locations and individuals is much stronger than I realized.
8) My viewpoints are much more conservative, fundamentalist, orthodox, [pick your favorite modifier], than I perceive them to be.
9) I am humbled by my weaknesses, and am truly recognizing that God knows me way better than I think I know myself.
10) Praying for God to reveal to you your character flaws is only a good idea if you really want to know the answer...

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