What is Chi Alpha?

For me, Chi Alpha Campus Fellowship became my family in college. Chi Alpha is an interdenominational campus fellowship sponsored by the Assemblies of God.  It is not a sorority or fraternity, but rather an organization labeled by two Greek letters that represent a purpose higher than ourselves.

The name Chi Alpha comes from  2 Corinthians 5:20,  "We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us. "  The Greek letters Chi Alpha (XA) are an abrreviation of the phrase "christou apostoloi," meaning "Christ's sent ones".  The name XA represents who we are as Christians and reminds us that we should live to reflect Jesus' life.

On my campus, the mission of Chi Alpha is:

With Christ as our source, we are committed to an unquenchable desire to share the love of Jesus with American University through servant leadership, continual growth, authentic and loving relationships, spiritual discipline, passionate living, and daily pursuing a purpose greater than ourselves.
The core values of Chi Alpha  are Prayer, Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, and Witness.  We have weekly  large group worship services, weekly small group Bible studies,  prayer meetings, community service outreaches, discussions, worships, and social events. Above all, Chi Alpha is a movement of college students that desire to earnestly seek Jesus in their daily lives and to see Him glorified on their campus.

For more information about Chi Alpha, visit the www.chialpha.com or www.auchialpha.org. 

So, what are you doing exactly?

Good question. I am working with  Chi Alpha as a Campus Missionary Associate. In other words, I'm learning about campus ministry through practical experience serving my campus.  This includes leading a Bible study,  mentoring students, helping in the office with administrative stuff, facilitating times of prayer, planning events...  perhaps even a little preaching, and rumor has it that I might even learn to play the guitar in the process.

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