I hate quitting, yet I find that often times I need to in order to continue to move forward. Here are two things that I decided to quit since the last time I blogged.

  1. Daniel fasting for Lent... no really. I love the idea of fasting, but I do not think this particular fast is serving its purposes. I have been sick most days since starting it, and I think my body is starting to breakdown my muscles because it is not getting the essential complete proteins. My goal is not to develop a dependency on supplements to eat according to a fad fast, but rather to begin a healthier lifestyle. Instead of this particular fast, here are some new goals: fast one day a week, get to the gym to workout at least three days a week, drink more water, spend less money eating out, and begin watching my caloric intake and being aware of what nutrients I am getting from my food choices. The Daniel Fast was a great detox, but I think the 10 day program is plenty to achieve that effect... and it is in my experience that a water/juice fast works better. 
  2. My part-time job.... I have needed the supplemental income- and if I am honest I still do, but I cannot handle the stress and time commitment right now. I was planning on quitting in May, but when I looked at my calendar, I realized that I cannot be faithful to all of my commitments while attempting to double my support in the next two months. In order to work towards being fully funded next year, I am going to need to give up the security of having the money to cover things in exchange for the time that I need to really revisit the support raising process.
God is moving on this campus and in my own life, and I have been slightly reluctant to dive into what He is doing. I need to be fully centered in Him and fully willing to obey His word and His will. So, here's to a fresh commitment to be all in... [there will be future posts regarding this soon].  If you could keep me in your prayers through these transitions, I would greatly appreciate it.

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