I like to think that I am an enigma. I am puzzle. I spent every moment of everyday trying to figure myself out, trying to solve this mystery of who I really am. The truth is that I spend more time trying to make myself an enigma than I do trying to uncover my life. Being enigmatic is easy. It implies that there is a searching process. It keeps me preoccupied with seeking, and distracts me from finding. The truth is that I'm not very enigmatic, I'm kinda simple. I love God. I want to follow Him.

At least it seems simple enough, yet I keep making it more complicated than it needs to be. I keep trying to shape myself rather than allowing Him to be the author of my life. I surrender, I give up.

"All I want is You to have Your way
You are the Potter and I am the clay
All I need is You to have Your way
You are Creator and I'm what You've made
Finally I Surrender
You are God I am man"

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