In December, I got my lip pierced. In February, I had to change the lip ring to a bigger size to help it heal. Yesterday, I decided it was healed enough to change out the rings and move back to the smaller one.
I popped the bead in, and it was in place, but seemed loose. I attempted to apply a little bit of pressure to hold it in place. And... well, the bead popped out and this is what happened...
Notice, that's not supposed to bend that way. After some unsuccessful attempts to fix it, I went to bed knowing that tomorrow would involve a humbling appointment with a piercer.
Strolled into a different piercing shop, spent about an hour taking turns with the piercing expert trying to pry this piece of twisted metal off my lip. As it finally came off, he said "Thank God!"
My thoughts exactly. Then he asked me if I wanted to keep the piercing. "Yes, after all this, I most certainly do." The pain would not be in vain. Well, due to swelling, I have to wear an over-sized ring for about a week. This one is three times larger than the one I attempted to replace and it looks ridiculous.
Moral of the story: Sometimes in an effort to make something appear smaller, we explode it into a much larger ordeal simply because we are too proud to ask someone with more experience for a little help. Needless to say, the piercer will be changing my ring out when the swelling goes down, and I will be asking him for some practical advice how to prevent this occurrence in the future.
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