Outside of my apartment I can hear the cheers of crowds, the car horns blasting in celebration.... on the screen in front of me there are dozens of status updates and tweets- inviting everyone to party in front of the White House, rejoicing in a man's eternity in hell, and championing the American dream.
While I commend the U.S. intelligence officers for completing their mission and send my condolences to all of the families who lost loved ones at the hands of this evil man, I cannot and will not rejoice in death regardless of how great the evil committed.
Eliminating one man does not eliminate evil. It eliminates one man. It may stir hope in millions of people and fury in hundreds of others. And the cycle continues. There are others who commit evil and who celebrate death of innocents. The man who was killed today was far from innocent, but by celebrating his death where exactly are we placing our hope? If our hope is in bullets and missiles and destruction, how are we any different than the evil we fight against?
"Have I any pleasure in the death of the wicked, declares the Lord God, and not rather he should turn from his way and live?" - Ezekiel 18:23My hope is not in dead bodies; my hope is life greater than evil. There is a party in the streets to rejoice in death, instead of prayer for peace.
From a bird's eye view, the celebration here looks very similar to our enemies' celebration when they kill those they find threatening. Instead of rejoicing tonight, I am praying tonight.
Praying for our brothers and sisters around the world who are still in harms way. Our celebration may be the very fuel that fires bullets in their direction. May God's peace transcend the chaos.
Edit: Also check out my roommate's thoughts at her blog. Here's a sample: "What I do find wonder in is the fact that one man’s death can redeem our planet. " It's worth reading.... click here.
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