"I'm caught up in that dream again, just wandering away, my friend, wandering away..." -"Wandering Away", The GoStation
Every time I think about the possibilities, I cry.  I keep dreaming about jumping out into the window, the 10/40 window. Unreached people groups, poverty, political strife, the broken and the blinded.... Lord, please send me there. Send me anywhere and everywhere... Africa, the stans, India, Burma...  wherever it is, I'll go. My heart has been wrecked time and time again by the thought of people never hearing the Gospel and never feeling the love of Christ. 

Someone asked a question in small group yesterday that lead to me describing the window and the mission field, and it took everything I had not to lose composure. Every time I hear the 10/40 window explained, I become frustrated with God for allowing my heart to continually break for multiple places while placing me right where I am... Not to mention, my mind has always been intrigued by world politics, culture, and international development. See, here I am and I'm interested. What do you say Lord? Will you send me?

One day, He will, but not yet. Right now, I am at peace with my placement for this season of life. My heart breaks for this campus and of the thought of students here never  understanding the Truth of the Gospel and feeling the love of Christ.  If I cannot serve God where I am, I cannot serve Him anywhere... and there is no place I would rather be right now than here at American University. People here need a glimpse of Jesus just as much as anyone else in the world.

"American Students Say...
AU attracts a "liberal, non-religious" crowd that "tends to be very ideologically driven." "Liberals run the show," most here agree, although they add that "Plenty of students don't fit this mold, and I've never seen anyone rejected for what they believe." The campus "is very friendly to those with alternative lifestyles (GLBT, vegetarian, green-living, etc.)," but students with more socially conservative inclinations note that "while AU boasts about the many religious groups on campus, there is still a general antipathy toward piety, especially Christianity." The perception that some departments outshine others is reflected in the way students perceive each other; one says, "You have the political studies know-it-alls, the international studies student who thinks he is going to save the world, the artsy film/communication students, and the rest [who] are unhappy students who couldn't get into George Washington or Georgetown."- From the Princeton Review website

[ps... useless fact of the day, apparently I have posted over 150 blog entries in the last three years. ]

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