This morning, I was turtley enough for the turtle club. Upon opening my eyes, I discovered that I was curled into the smallest ball possible- tucked into the fetal position, my arms clinging to my knees, my head drawn tightly to my chest. Weird considering that my normal nap time strategy is to either sprawl out with my face under the pillow or to curl up on my side.
Psychologists believe that our sleep positions give valuable insight to our personalities. Our unconscious body position reveals our fears and insecurities by reflecting our posture towards the world around us. According to a British professor: "Those who curl up in the foetus position are described
as tough on the outside but sensitive at heart. They may be shy when
they first meet somebody, but soon relax." Accurate enough I suppose.
Most days I do have a tough outer shell protecting an inner sensitivity... but why am I more turtley in dream land now than ever before? Ah, I have an idea. It may have something to do with this:
"3/4/2010 8:15:00 PMI give the persona of an extrovert, but the truth is that I am a hybrid. And, the only reason I enjoy public speaking and large group settings is that they make me uncomfortable. The adrenaline rush of conquering one's fears is an addictions of sorts; so alas, I am loud mouthed and always making a presence. However, my inner turtle is a little intimidated by this week's events- preaching, mission trip to Spain, following God with reckless abandon. I guess it's time to stick my neck out and break free of my shell. It may not be the most comfortable place to be, but it is totally worth the risk.
Thursday, Kay Chapel. This is where Chi Alpha gathers to worship God, learn from the Bible, laugh, and encourage each other. This week, our very own Kera Package will be speaking and we'll be sending out our spring break missions trips. See you there!"
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