I may have posted this song before, but it resonates too much with what I am learning right now to not share it again.

No matter what ministry or community we are a part of or what we do with our lives , unless the Lord is at the center of our work, it is meaningless. Our prayers and songs are just words, our charitable acts are no different than any other organizations, our religious services are just another meeting... as the teacher in Ecclesiastes declares:  “Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.”

"Unless the LORD builds the house,
   the builders labor in vain.
Unless the LORD watches over the city,
   the guards stand watch in vain." - Psalm 127:1

If I am not at a place where the hope of the Cross is central to everything in my life, then my life is just passing moments. I know that Jesus dwells amongst us, but am I continuing to invite Him to be the all-encompassing center of my life?  Am I willing to truly pray that lyric: May the vision of You be the death of me? Am I willing to become less so that Jesus can be greater in my life? 

Lord, I know you are with me, but please come. Please be present in every aspect of my life, and may the vision of you be the death of me. May the challenge of St. Francis Xavier be the prayer over my life "Give up your small ambitions and come with me to preach Christ/save the world." (not sure which quote is accurate, but the premise is the same). Lord please put to death my small ambitions, my tiny plans and dreams, my idiosyncrasies and insecurities... wash away anything that isn't of You or centered in You. And please come with me, send me, guide me, allow me to be a part of what you are doing by doing your work and sharing your words in this world. I want to be a part of what you are building, so "Here I am. Send me". Or keep me wherever. Just please be with me, and be the center of all that I am and all that I do.

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