I am currently at the Atlantic Coast Student Institute of Campus Ministry (SICM) learning how to be a good student leader on my campus. If you are asking why I am at a student leader training the week after I graduated college, you are asking the same question I have been asking God all week.
Sitting through session after session of material that I have heard before, wondering how to navigate this weird transitional phase of my life, I keep asking God why am I here? Am I missing something? I am trying to learn as much as I can from this experience, but I feel like my one sentence summary of the entire week is this: "I know this, I do this... well I usually do this... this stuff works and God is good".
Wednesday, we had an interactive worship time. Rather than walk through the stations, I decided to lie prostrate on the floor and seek some answers. "God, why am I here this week? What are you trying to teach me?" Ya know, the standard questions. After some silent meditation, some prayer, and forty-five minutes of passing time.... I pull out my pen and notebook. As I start to jot down a list of reasons of why I fail as a Christian, "Great is Thy Faithfulness" started playing. I could only laugh.
I am trying to repent, and God reminds me that He has my back through my favorite hymn... one that seemingly comes up time and time again. I love it.
My reason for being here: to refresh my vision and to gain a humble confidence before support raising season. I realized that I am always trying to repent- to turn around... instead of trying to walk forward. God revealed to me through a simple instrumental hymn that I am walking in the right direction. I just need to stop stutter stepping and start running full speed ahead, trusting that He will guide my steps.
"I will run the race set before me... I will seek Your face as the prize of my life" - Misty Edwards, based on Hebrews 12
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