When I was in middle school, I loved the movie Reign of Fire and thought that dragons were awesome because of their mythological merit. Every year from then until I came to college, anytime anyone in my famly saw a dragon, they purchased the item and stored it away until a gift-giving occasion.
My family loves to do a little gift-giving typecasting. For my mom, it's angels. My one cousin, elephants; another, pigs; yet another, monkeys. My uncle, firetrucks or Elvis. My aunt, snowmen. I could go on, but you get the picture. According to handy-dandy Wiki, typecasting is "the process by which an actor is strongly identified with a specific character, role, or trait". Most actors fear being typecast because it pidgeon-holes them into a box from which they can never escape. For the most part, my family embraces their recieving roles; as they are typecast because they generally respond favorably to their gifts.
I, on the other hand, was never a huge fan of the process. When I was little, I was typecast according to my favorite color. By the time I was in fifth grade, I vowed to never wear purple again because I was so sick of seeing it. Over the years, I have lost my affinity for skulls, dragons, Harry Potter, skateboarding and basketball. You see the trend? Like most actors, I have never been fond of being labeled and pidgeon-holed.

Typecast as the Christian. Hmm, can't think of anything better to be labeled. After all, "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." (Gal: 2:20)
Though, I must also say that I do not feel worthy of such a label. My desire is that people see the reflection of Jesus in me, but I am not quite there yet. Since I have already been typecast the role and chosen as more than an actor but a co-heir with my King... I need to continue to grow and develop into that character, the character of Christ. Only the real clincher is: this isn't at all an act or a fad that will fade away- It's who I am, who I was meant to be.
This time I don't mind being pidgeon-holed. Let them "label me a Jesus freak. There ain't no disguising the truth" The truth is that "You are the only thing that’s beautiful in me". And, I am so grateful that others see that You, Jesus, are the most important thing in my life and the only thing that is sure to bring a smile to my face. =]
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