I'm sitting in class, listening to a psychologist try to explain pentecostal faith and speaking in tongues.
He is butchering it with at least four shades of wrong. Historically. Azuza happened in 1900's not 1800's, and much of the movement was actually rooted in the Great Awakening, the revivals in Europe, and even dates back to the mystics. Theologically. Pentecostals do not believe that speaking in tongues is solely a corporate practice; actually there is an emphasis on personal prayer language more often than a word given for the entire congregation. Actually. Many people speak in tongues and consider themselves charismatic and remain with a mainline, high church denomination... which means the phenomenon is not solely found in Pentecostal denominations where people are socialized to believe in this ritual. Psychologically. He said there is nothing about speaking in tongues that is self edifying or edifying to groups outside of the community; the purpose is to create group identity and to prove to be a part of the in-group. While this sadly may be the case sometimes, the emphasis on this gift of the Holy Spirit is a deeper relationship with God and to better equip oneself to minister to others.
I'm biting my lip... trying to overcome the urge to open my mouth. I don't want to preach to the class - actually that would be pretty sweet- but I do want to make sure things presented as facts are actually accurate before they are ripped apart for analysis. I have already corrected my professor several times, and I think I need to stay after class to talk with him...
Hmm, this class as taught me that according to psychologists I am a conservative fundamentalist with a severe identity crisis rooted in my inability to deal with my childhood and I over compensate for my poverty with spirituality in order to create a better story for my life where I am actually special because I and the community that supports me connect with a higher power who will save us from ourselves and our surroundings. Sounds about right, yeah?
What is this place?
I'm just a small town girl, living in a big city or so they tell me. Welcome to my world - where no place feels like home, and everyone feels like family. My aspirations are simple: serve God, love people, and laugh whenever possible.
I often live my life through lyrics.
This blog is four years in the making, inspired by one of my favorite songs Born Too Late by The Clarks.
The song is about striving for something more, learning from the best, moving on from the past, facing the present with an open mind, and reaching for the sky. It's about being born each day and being destroyed each night... only to begin anew tomorrow.
So here it is: my life in type...
One day at a time...
I often live my life through lyrics.
This blog is four years in the making, inspired by one of my favorite songs Born Too Late by The Clarks.
The song is about striving for something more, learning from the best, moving on from the past, facing the present with an open mind, and reaching for the sky. It's about being born each day and being destroyed each night... only to begin anew tomorrow.
So here it is: my life in type...
One day at a time...
One comment
Comment by Bekah on October 8, 2009 at 12:42 AM
i love this, you made me laugh. especially you're last super long sentence, haha. =)
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